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The City of Independence is proud to announce we are the winners of two awards for our Independence TOGETHER program for 2024. The awards are the innovation award in the Metro Category (population of more than 30,000) and the Member Choice Category through the Missouri Municipal League (MML). The strong competition included 23 applications statewide. The Member Choice Award is special because it is voted on by members of the Missouri Municipal League.

The announcement of the awards came during Local Government Week, May 5-11, 2024. "We are honored and humbled by the recognition of our innovative Independence TOGETHER program," said City Manager Zachary Walker. "It has been a community effort to accomplish the success of this program."

The Independence T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R. is a partnership between the City of Independence, the Community Services League (CSL), and MoDOT with the focus of addressing two key community priorities – assisting residents experiencing unstable housing and community beautification. The program TOGETHER stands for Together Opportunities Grow Everyone THelp Empower Resiliency. The program is made possible through a $100,000 grant.

The awards will be presented at the MML Annual Conference in September 2024. For more information on the Independence TOGETHER program, visit

City Manager, Newsroom
Press Release