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Open House: Downtown Square Streetscape Improvement Project, June 14, 4:30-6 PM, City Hall Conference Room D. Image of car driving on road with bicyclist graphic painted on the street.

Could you envision a pedestrian and bicycle path that connects residents and visitors to the Downtown Square, Truman Library, Englewood Arts District, Truman Sports Complex, the Rock Island Trail, and neighborhoods while highlighting our city’s history and art along the route? The City of Independence’s Municipal Services Department is developing a design plan for Truman Connected that would include these features. The Downtown Square is a key destination along the route, so the City is also developing streetscape improvement plans for it. The planning process for Truman Connected began during spring 2019. It is a multi-phase effort that will continue for several years. The Downtown Square Streetscape Improvement Project is an important element of it. 

The public is invited to attend an open house scheduled for June 14 from 4:30 PM to 6 PM to gather comments about the Downtown Square Streetscape Improvements Project. The open house will be located in Conference D on the ground floor of City Hall (111 E. Maple Avenue) in Independence. Come learn more about the Downtown Square Streetscape Improvement Project.  

During the open house, the public will be able to review and comment on the Downtown Square Streetscape Improvement project design plans. Exhibits will illustrate landscaping, lighting, bicycle accommodations, and other features. Representatives from the City and the consultant team will be present to answer questions and discuss the project. There will not be a formal presentation, so stop by anytime during the open house. Community feedback is valuable to help refine the design plans. 

For more information, please contact Athena Huynh, Engineer III, at (816) 325-7618 or You may also contact Meg Lewis, Communications Manager, at (816) 325-7086 or To continue the conversation on social media, feel free to utilize the following hashtags #TrumanConnected and/or #IndependenceDowntownSquare. 

Press Release

Media Inquiries, contact:

Rebecca Gannon
Public Information Officer