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Duties of this Commission shall be to select by majority vote an outstanding public servant, either elected or appointed from the ranks of the public servants of the City of Independence, the County of Jackson, the State of Missouri, or the entire nation, who best typifies and possesses the qualities of dedication, industry, ability, honesty and integrity that distinguished Harry S Truman in his years of public service and arrange for the presentation of the Harry S Truman Public Service Award. The award shall be made annually on May 8th, or as close as practical, of each year, commemorating the birth of our Number One Citizen, Harry S. Truman.

Membership Information

The Commission shall consist of eight members who shall serve without compensation consisting of the Mayor, who shall be its Chairman, the Director of the Truman Library, and six other members to be appointed by the Council, two of whom may be non-residents. With the exception of the Director of the Truman Library and the Mayor, the members of the first Independence Harry S Truman Award Commission shall serve two for two years and two for four years; thereafter, the terms are four years.

Current Members:
  • VACANCY to be appointed by Councilmembers 
  • Mayor Rory Rowland (Chair), term expires upon the end of the term in office
  • Nina Anders, term expires June 1, 2024
  • Dr. Kurt Graham, Harry S. Truman Library & Museum Director
  • Senator John Rizzo, term expires June 1, 2026
  • Chris Rosson, term expires June 1, 2024
  • Mark A. Scherer, term expires June 1, 2026
  • Charlie Shields, term expires June 1, 2026