Home Fire Safety Checklist
- Do you have a smoke detector?
- Do you test your smoke detector each month?
- Have you replaced the smoke detector battery this year?
- Do you allow only electricians to install or extend your wiring?
- When you buy electrical equipment, e.g., extension cords, appliances, TV sets and all other devices, do you always look for the UL label of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.?
- Are there enough electrial outlets in every room to avoid the need for multiple attachment plugs and long extension cords?
- Are there proper heat controls on your electrical appliances used for cooking?
- Do you have special circuits on your heavy duty electrical appliances used for cooking?
- Do you use only 15 amp fuses for your household lighting circuits?
- Are all extension cords used in the open, e.g., not ran under rugs, over hooks or through partitions or door openings?
- Do you keep your basement, closets and attics cleared of old rags, papers, mattresses, broken furniture and other combustible odds and ends?
- If you use an oil mop, do you keep it in a well ventilated place where it will not catch fire by spontaneous heating?
- After using oily polishing rags, do you destroy them or place them in covered metal cans?
- Are lids on opened paints and solvent containers always tightly closed?
- You never use gasoline and bezine for any purpose in the home?
- Is gasoline always kept in a safety can with a self closing lid?
- Are leaves and debris promptly removed on surrounding property?
- Every fireplace is protected with a metal fire screen?
- Matches are always stored out of the reach of children?
- Matches are kept away from heaters, stoves and sources of heat?
- Matches and cigarettes are always out before they are thrown away?
- If applicable, every room in the home has plenty of large, fire proof ash trays?
- "No Smoking in Bed" is a firm rule for everyone in the home?
- Heating equipment has either a UL or American Gas Association label?
- Do you have your heating systems inspected and serviced each session?
- Are walls, ceilings and partitions near heating and cooking equipment either adequately separated from these sources of heat or protected by noncombustible insulation?
- Are wood floors under stoves and heaters protected by insulation or ventilated air spaces?
- Is your stove, including oven and broiler, kept clean of grease?
- Are curtains near stoves and heating equipment arranged so as not to blow over them?
- Are all heaters set level, and placed out of the way of traffic?
- Do you always turn off portable oil or gas heaters when you go to bed?
- Since gas and oil heaters use up oxygen as they burn, do you always keep a door or window slightly open in any room where such a heater is being used?
- Do you always refill the fuel tank of your oil heaters and oil stove outside, and in the daylight?
- Do you see that any portable heater is placed well away from curtains, bedding, furniture and other combustible materials?
- Are the gas connections for portable heaters or other gas appliances made of metal?
- Is the inside basement door at the end of the stairs properly fitted and kept closed at night?
- Has everyone in the family been warned never to use kerosene or other flammable liquids to start a fire in the stove, fireplace, or furnace?
- Is every fireplace equipped with a sturdy metal fire screen?
- Do you keep your yard cleared of leaves, debris, and combustible rubbish?
- If any adjacent property is vacant, have dry leaves, weeds and rubbish been cleared?
- If you keep gasoline for use in a power mower or outdoor motor, is it in a strong metal safety type can with self closing caps on the openings?
- If your garage is attached to the house, does a tight fitting door that is kept closed, separate it?
- Do you keep matches out of the reach of children?
- Do you leave a responsible person with your child when you go out, even for a little while?
- When you employ babysitters, do you instruct them carefully on what to do in case of fire?
- IMPORTANT: A child learns by example and by instruction. Concerning fire safety, do you always set a good example?
- Do you know to call nine-one-one (911) in case of a fire?
- Do you know how to report an emergency?
- Have you worked out a plan of escape from every room in your house, especially from the bedrooms?
- Have you practiced an escape plan by holding fire drills in your home?
Every NO to a question indicates a fire hazard, and should be corrected.